Crackle Candle Care & Safety

#1. Remove all packaging and cover. Do NOT burn with the paper cover on top.

#2. Do NOT burn the candle if the wick is drastically off center. Wicks need to be centered for 2 reasons.

Safety. If a wick is off center than it will heat the side of the jar it is closest to. If the jar over heats it can crack/explode.

Tunneling. If a wick is very off center then your candle will not burn evenly. There will be a tunnel and half the candle is wasted, thus your money is wasted.

To prevent tunneling, the 1st time you burn the candle you need to allow for the entire top to liquify. This can take up to 2 hours.

#3. Trim wick to 1/4 inch before lighting each time you burn your candle. You can trim your wooden wick with a wick trimmer or nail clippers. Once you trim the wick remove all debris/clippings from the candle before you light it.

#4. Light the candle and follow the rules.

-Light the candle with a lighter not a match to prevent burns.

-Light the candle at an angle and away from your face.

-Only burn the candle for up to 4 hours to prevent over heating.

-Burn candle within sight. Never leave unattended.

-Place on a sturdy, heat resistance surface.

-Keep out of reach of children and pets.

-Melted wax can can cause burns on the skin. Keep the candle away from the edge of a shelf/table/counter to prevent the candle from falling if someone bumps into it.

-Do NOT place the candle directly up against a wall. The heat will cause soot/burn marks on the wall and may cause a fire if foreign substances are present.

-Do NOT burn a candle if there is anything directly above it like curtains, plants, décor etc. Maintain a minimum 48" clearance above and around your candle.

-Do NOT add any decorations to our candles. This includes items like dried flowers, herbs, gems, or glitter. Our candles do not come with additives of any kind as they are a fire hazard. All candles should be free from any debris while burning.

-Do NOT pour melted wax down the drain. The wax will re-harden and clog the drains.

-Do NOT touch or move the candle while it is burning.

-Extinguish the candle if the flame is over 2" (burning high) or is producing black smoke.

-Black smoke means the wick is too long.

-Stop burning the candle once there is 1" of wax left or you can see the wick clip.

#5. Light your candle and set a timer or alarm.

Most fires caused by candles are actually caused by human error. This includes falling asleep or leaving the house while leaving a candle burning.

When you light a candle we ask that you set a timer or alarm. This way if you get distracted, forget, or fall asleep you have a reminder set!