Wooden Wick FYI

Important Patent Information:
The Wooden Wick Co. is a licensed manufacturer and distributor of wooden wicks developed by the creator of the original wooden wick, Lumetique, Inc. For more information on Lumetique’s technology, please visit http://lumetique.com/patents.

Each wooden wick used in our products comes with a patent-protected license. The “click wrap” license is personal to the purchaser of the wicks and lasts until the completion or termination of the use of the wooden wicks.

In accordance with Section 287(a) of Title 35 of the United States Code, we must ensure that any and all licensees are marking their covered products, and providing constructive notice to the public that the product is patented. 

This is our notice to our Crackle Bar customers that the wooden wicks used in our products are patent protected.

Please mark as follows:  "https://woodenwick.com/patents"